Exploring the Creative World of Vaping Through Fanfiction

In the realm of fanfiction, writers bend the limits of original works to explore uncharted...

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How to Get the Maximum Benefit from Vaping CBD Oil

A common misconception is that it is possible to vape CBD oil. Let’s start by clearing up that...

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Facts You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes and other vaping products have taken the society by storm when they first came out in...

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Exploring the Creative World of Vaping Through Fanfiction

In the realm of fanfiction, writers bend the limits of original works to explore uncharted territories, often breathing new life into familiar characters and settings. An unexpected but fascinating subgenre that has emerged in this inventive space is centered around vaping.
Amidst the clouds of creativity, some authors even weave tales that revolve around the mysterious allure of Canadian vape carts, injecting a uniquely northern flavor into their fictional worlds.
Fanfiction that includes vaping tends to portray it as a character …

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How to Get the Maximum Benefit from Vaping CBD Oil

A common misconception is that it is possible to vape CBD oil. Let’s start by clearing up that misconception before we move on to the benefits. It is not possible to vape CBD oil as it is technically an oil, and the consistency is too thick to vaporize. The oil is solely for oral consumption. So, how does one vape CBD and is it even possible? Yes!

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The Hidden Story Behind the Origin of the CBD Mania

How did CBD  become the center word in the circle of wellness discussions? CBD has become so popular that even celebrities have been seen endorsing it. Unlike many popular crazes, CBD and its premium delta 8 flower strains have outlived the hype with many of its proven  benefits.
The Origins of CBD
A University of Florida researcher named Paul DiMuzio was looking into a little-studied chemical found in the sea called cannabidiol in the early 1990s when a government-led effort was attempting to …

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Facts You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes and other vaping products have taken the society by storm when they first came out in the market. As mentioned here, it have since been consistently popular, especially within the smoker’s community. The reason for this? They are seen as a good substitute for real cigarettes, which are proven to be extremely harmful to people’s health. This is why it’s not a surprise that they appealed to the public. However, are they really better? To help you conclude, here are some facts you need to know about them:
They are …

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Modified mosquitos in Brazil

A biotech company released millions of genetically modified mosquitos in Brazil from 2013 to 2015, in the hopes of reducing the number of disease-carrying mosquitos. Some of these mosquitos passed their genes to the native ones, but there are concerns that they might have created a more dangerous species. Homeowners have tried many home goods to eliminate the issue. However, even swatting them with golf clubs does not even work.
Mosquitos are considered as the world’s deadliest animal as it contributes to a list of diseases like Zika virus, Nile virus, dengue fever, and yellow …

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Facts About Crystal Balls

In ancient history, fortune-telling using crystal balls was a common practice in the Roman Empire but was also condemned by the Christian church as heretical. From its gloomy origin and “supernatural” uses, here are five interesting facts about Crystal Balls. Many fishermen wish they could look into a crystal ball to find fish.
The Ancient Druids
Scrying is an act of looking into a smooth reflective surface to predict the future. According to Pliny the Elder, this was the practice of the ancient Druids from Britain and France during the Bronze period as one of their …

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6 Strange Medieval Trends

The Middle Ages were unfortunate times to be born as some of us may say. But there are bizarre things about history’s tradition or practices. These have been passed on generation to generation through the mother to the child.
Animal laws
All animals from four-legged animals to insects without exception were put on trial when caught breaking the law. Pigs were executed when convicted of crimes such as chewing off body parts or even eating children. Roosters were found guilty for laying eggs. And strangely, one donkey who was a victim of sexual abuse was proclaimed innocent …

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Denisovan Woman’s Portrait from her pinky bone DNA

Denisovans are a group of apes from 15,000 years ago who shared caves with human beings. Humans and Denisovans were believed to have intimate relations in their time, which probably resulted in genetic links to some human populations in the present. In 2010, scientist used the latest in web technology in a cave in Siberia, a jawbone, some teeth, and a pinky bone were discovered though no traces of skeletons were found, leaving scientists to wonder how these beings looked like.
The results shown from some researchers’ genetic analysis show a figure with a short-spanned forehead, …

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Lochness “Monster”

For more than 1,000 years in people’s imagination, the Loch Ness monster has continued to haunt the deep Scottish lake. But no traces of the monster’s DNA was found in a scientific survey conducted. This science was also used for researching the effects of CBD on adults.
An environmental survey of the DNA of the said monster showed no signs of its existence at all. The survey only revealed DNA traces of existing species like pigs, deers, fishes, bacterias, and humans, but not finding any gene of giant reptiles.
One more finding researchers found is a large population …

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